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Class Description

The class on Third Year Studies is designed to explore Christian Theology, Church leadership and worship. Candidates will examine the purpose and value of the Bible and Christendom, thematically provide a description of theological tasks; explain how theology correlates with Christian practices and interpret the development of theological position based on scripture and doctrine.  Candidates will distinguish the theological aspects of the Godhead, Christology, Soteriology, Humanology and Eschatology by comparing and contrasting the Wesleyan theology to Arminianism and Calvinism.


Candidates will explore the biblical, historical, theological sociological, ecumenical, psych-economic and holistic approach to Christian worship.

Class Objectives

After completing the class on admission, the candidate will be able to:

  • Explain theology based on biblical studies in the nature and presence of God.

  • Interpret the conservative doctrine and history of the Bible as God’s Word.

  • Explain the attributes of God and the works of God.

  • Explain Christology, Humanology and Soteriology using scriptural teaching and doctrine.

  • Demonstrate in writing or orally, the presence and work of the Holy Spirit.

  • Explain the presence of the Holy Spirit in homiletics.

  • Appreciate the rich heritage of African American worship, liturgy and ceremonies.

Class Requirements

Class Attendance: Each student is required to attend ALL classes. In the event that a student is unable to attend classes, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the Chair of the Board of Examiners of his/her absence. The student must make arrangements with the class instructor for a makeup session. Each candidate will be allowed two (2) personal absence. Three of more absences will result in failure of the course.


Assigned Readings:  Each student is required to purchase and read all assigned texts.  The instructor will assign readings for each class session.  In order for the student to be prepared for class instructions and participations, he/she is encouraged to read all assigned readings prior to class.


Class Participation: Each student is expected to make beneficial contributions to the class at appropriate times.  Time will be set aside for class discussions and class participations.


Writing Assignment: Each student is required to submit a written essay as directed by the instructor.  All work must be passed in on time and in compliance with a standard style manual.


Practicum: Each candidate will be assigned to a local congregation.  Candidate will be required to attend worship service, bible study and Sunday School. Candidate will design a worship experience for a special occasion under the discretion of the pastor.


Final Exam/Evaluation:  A final examination will be given at the end of the course.  The student will be examined on class lectures as well as reading assignments.

Lecture One

Topic for Class Lectures and Discussions

The Study of God (Theology)

Knowledge of God’s existence

Attributes of God

Works of God

Lecture Two

The Study of Christology

Christ, The God Man

The Humanity of Christ

The Divinity of Christ

Lecture Three

The Study of the Holy Spirit

Person of the Holy Spirit

Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit in Salvation

Lecture Four

Introduction of Soteriology

God’s Plan in Salvation

Place of the Resurrection in Salvation

Need for Atonement

Lecture Five

Wesleyan Theology

The Person of John Wesley

Wesley’s View of Sanctification

The Doctrine Calvinism vs Arminianism

Lecture Six

Christian Worship

Biblical View of Worship

Historical Review of Worship

Lecture Seven

Attributes of Worship

Biblical Foundation

Socio-Cultural Foundation

Historical Foundation

Spiritual Foundation

Theological Foundation

Liturgical Foundation

Ecclesial Foundation

Lecture Eight

African Methodist Episcopal Church Worship

Order of Worship

Liturgical Year

Liturgical Colors

Parts of the Sanctuary



Contact us:

Rev. Lynne Burkhead

Find us: 

492 North Marietta Parkway, Marietta, GA 30060

© 2014 by M. Anita Stewart.

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