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The class on admission is designed to introduce the candidate to the ordained ministry of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.  The course will examine the history, polity, doctrine and order of worship of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. The course will incorporate the biblical and theological mission and ministry as well as the American and African American History which underscores the unique contribution of African Methodism.  Candidates will have the opportunity to reflect on his/her calling within the context of the Church.

Class Description

Class Objectives

After completing the class on admission, the candidate will be able to

  • Understand the historical context of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

  • Understand the biblical and theogical origins of the purpose and missio of the African American Methodist Episcopal Church.

  • Discern his/her calling and role in the ordained ministry of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

  • Understand the structure and polity of the African Methodist Episcopal Church with specific focus on the conference system.

  • Differentiate between itinerant and local ministry in the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

  • Explain and prepare the "Order of Worshp" consistent with the Book of Discipline.

  • Describe the requirements and expectations of an Elder and a Deacon in the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Class Requirements

Class Attendance: Each student is required to attend ALL classes. In the event that a student is unable to attend classes, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the Chair of the Board of Examiners of his/her absence. The student must make arrangements with the class instructor for a makeup session. Each candidate will be allowed two (2) personal absence. Three of more absences will result in failure of the course.


Assigned Readings:  Each student is required to purchase and read all assigned texts.  The instructor will assign readings for each class session.  In order for the student to be prepared for class instructions and participations, he/she is encouraged to read all assigned readings prior to class.


Class Participation: Each student is expected to make beneficial contributions to the class at appropriate times.  Time will be set aside for class discussions and class participations.


Writing Assignment: Each student is required to submit a written essay as directed by the instructor.  All work must be passed in on time and in compliance with a standard style manual.


Practicum: Each candidate will be assigned to a local congregation.  Candidate will be required to attend worship, bible study and Sunday School.  Candidate will be actively involved in the worship experience at the discretion of the pastor.


Final Exam/Evaluation:  A final examination will be given at the end of the course.  The student will be examined on class lectures as well as reading assignments.

Lecture One

Topic for Class Lectures and Discussions

Introduction To the Ordained Ministry

Discerning Your Call

Itinerant Orders Local Orders

Fulfilling Your Call

Specialized Ministry

  • Evangelist

  • Exhorter

Lecture Two

The Personal and Professional Life of Ordained Clergy

Ministerial Ethics

Ministerial Expectations

Lecture Three

The Historical Origin and Development

The Four Horsemen

Richard Allen: The Apostle of Freedom

Morris Brown: The Apostle of Southern Freedom

Daniel Alexander Payne: The Apostle of Education

Henry McNeil Turner: The Prophet of Black Liberation William Paul Quinn: Pioneer Missionary

The Mission and Purpose of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

The Mission and Purpose Statement

The Mission and Purpose of the Local Congregation

The Mission of the African Methodist Episcopal Church Clergy

Lecture Four

Lecture Five

African American History: An Overview

African Culture

Slavery in North America

Abolitionist Movement

William Edward Burghardt (W.E.B) DuBois

Booker T. Washington

The Civil Rights Movement Post Martin Luther King Modern Civil Rights

The Role of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the Civil Rights’ movement

Lecture Six

The Doctrine of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

What We Believe

The Apostle Creed

The Articles of Religion

The Sacraments

Lecture Seven

The African Methodist Episcopal Church Order of Worship

The Theological Foundation of Worship

Preparing the Order of Worship for Sunday

Preparing The Order Of Worship For Special Occasions

Lecture Eight

The Organization of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

The Governing Conferences: 1) General, 2) Annual, 3) District, 4) Quarterly, 5)Church

Contact us:

Rev. Lynne Burkhead

Find us: 

492 North Marietta Parkway, Marietta, GA 30060

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