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The Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. AMEC Publishing House. 2012.

Cullinan, Alice R. Sorting It Out: Discerning God’s Call To Ministry. Judson Press. 1999. ISBN: 0817013024

Warren, Rick. The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For. Zondervan. 2012. ISBN: 031032906

Course: Introduction to the Ordained Ministry

This course will introduce the call to ministry.  Candidates will explore their gifts and talents in their call to ministry.  Candidates will examine the African Methodist Episcopal Church’s Discipline to determine the characteristics and qualities associate with the call to ministry. Candidates will compare the difference between itinerant and local orders, exhorters, deaconesses and evangelist.


Course Description

It is the objective to have each candidate to leave with a working knowledge and understanding of the call to ministry:

1.      Explain the personal process for discerning one’s call

2.      Identify ways to fulfil the call.

3.      Compare the difference between the two tracks of ministerial orders, local and itinerant.

4.      List and describe the two ministerial orders in the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

5.      List and describe the five ministries associated with local ministry.

Course Objectives

Each student is expected to:

1.      Arrive to class on-time

2.      Participate in class discussion demonstrating preparation.

3.      Read assigned readings

4.      Participate in group projects and discussions

5.      Turn in assignments on time

6.      Write a 2-3 page paper on “My Call To Ministry”

Participants Obligations/Requirements

1.  Assignments must be typed in upper and lower case 12-point font, with 1 inch margins and double spaced in paragraph form

2.  Sources used within the assignment must be cited correctly using internal documentation, end notes or footnotes.

Written Assignment Criteria

Each student of group should be able to:

1.      Explain the personal process for discerning one’s call with 95% clarity

2.      Explain the difference between local and itinerant ministerial orders with 100% accuracy.

3.      Describe the difference between the deacon and the elder with 100% accuracy.

4.      List the five ministries associated with local orders with 95% accuracy.


Measurable Outcome

Contact us:

Rev. Lynne Burkhead

Find us: 

492 North Marietta Parkway, Marietta, GA 30060

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