The Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. AMEC Publishing House. 2012.
Birch, Bruce C. Ducking Spears, Dancing Madly: A Biblical Model of Church Leadership. Abingdon Press. 2004. ISBN: 068709285
McIntosh, Gary L. Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership: How to Become an Effective
Leader by Confronting Potential Failures. Baker Books. 2007. ISBN: 0801068355088
Oglesby, E. Hammond. Pressing Toward the Mark: Christian Ethics for the Black Church
Today. Wipf & Stock. 2007. ISBN: 1556351542
Trull, Joe E. and James E. Carter. Ministerial Ethics: Moral Formation for Church Leaders. Baker Academics. 2004. ISBN: 0801027551
Wimberly, Anne E. and Edward P. Wimberly. The Winds of Promise: Building and
Maintaining Strong Clergy Families. Discipleship Resource. 2007. ISBN: 978088177496
Course: The Personal and Professional Life of An African Methodist Episcopal Church Clergy
This course will explore the challenges of clergy leadership. Candidates will examine their role as outlined in the African Methodist Episcopal Church’s Discipline. They will compare the expectations to the church to their personal life, responsibilities and challenges. Candidates will evaluate the challenges facing the ministry and the impact the ministry has on family.
Course Description
It is the objective to have each candidate articulate the joy, challenges, morality and expectation associated with clergy life:
1. Identify the expectations of the African Methodist Episcopal Church for candidates called into ministry.
2. Compare and contrast the responsibility of an itinerant minister to a local minister.
3. Explain Christian ethics related to self, family, congregation, community and the denomination.
Course Objectives
Each student is expected to:
1. Arrive to class on-time
2. Participate in class discussion demonstrating preparation.
3. Read assigned readings
4. Participate in group projects and discussions
5. Turn in assignments on time
6. Write a 2-3 page reflection paper on “The Winds of Promise”.
Participants Obligations/Requirements
1. Assignments must be typed in upper and lower case 12-point font, with 1 inch margins and double spaced in paragraph form
2. Sources used within the assignment must be cited correctly using internal documentation, end notes or footnotes
Written Assignment Criteria
Each student of group should be able to:
1. Identify at least ten expectations of the African Methodist Episcopal Church for candidates called into ministry with 90% accuracy.
2. Explain the difference in the responsibility of an itinerant minister to a local minister with 100% accuracy.
3. Use a Case Study to identify the five practices from the “Winds of Promise” for building and maintain strong clergy families with 90% accuracy.
4. Identify and explain the five leadership styles from “Overcoming The Dark Side” with
90% accuracy.
Measurable Outcome