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Class Description

The class on First Year Studies is designed  for Candidates to study the Holy Bible. The First Year Studies will focus on the historical occasion, theme, content and structure of each book in the Holy Bible. Candidates will examine the language, geography, people, culture and theories associated with the origin of the Holy Bible.  Candidates will discuss multiple methods for studying the Holy Bible and design a five week series for a Bible Study.

Class Objectives

After completing the Class on First Year Studies, the candidate will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of the unity of scriptures.

  • Analyze biblical interpretation which challenge the doctrine of biblical authority as believed by the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the scope and significance of the Bible from a contemporary perspective. Illustrating the consistent message of the Holy Bible in today’s social context.

  • Identify the main characters and their role in the overall plan of God to redeem the world.

  • Demonstrate competency in the use of scripture for ministry and personal enrichment.

  • Summarize the formation of the Holy Bible including the canonicity, manuscripts and versions.

       The authorship, date, background, interpretations and critical problems of each book.

  • Explain the relationship between the Old and New Testament by tracing the Messianic promise through the whole Bible.

Class Requirements

Class Attendance: Each student is required to attend ALL classes. In the event that a student is unable to attend classes, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the Chair of the Board of Examiners of his/her absence. The student must make arrangements with the class instructor for a makeup session. Each candidate will be allowed two (2) personal absence. Three of more absences will result in failure of the course.


Assigned Readings:  Each student is required to purchase and read all assigned texts.  The instructor will assign readings for each class session.  In order for the student to be prepared for class instructions and participations, he/she is encouraged to read all assigned readings prior to class.


Class Participation: Each student is expected to make beneficial contributions to the class at appropriate times.  Time will be set aside for class discussions and class participations.


Writing Assignment: Each student is required to submit a written essay as directed by the instructor.  All work must be passed in on time and in compliance with a standard style manual.


Practicum: Each candidate will be assigned to a local congregation.  Candidate will be required to attend worship, bible study and Sunday School to create a Bible Study series for the local congregation. Candidate will be actively involved in the worship experience at the discretion of the pastor.


Final Exam/Evaluation:  A final examination will be given at the end of the course.  The student will be examined on class lectures as well as reading assignments.

Lecture One

Topic for Class Lectures and Discussions

The Origin of the Bible

The Formation of the Canon

The Language

The Deep Sea Scrolls

The Early Manuscripts and Versions

The History of the English Bible

Lecture Two

The Unity of the Bible

Christology in the Hebrew Text

The Fulfillment of the Hebrew Text in the New Testament

Lecture Three

Periods and Books of the Hebrew Text History Pt. 1



Egypt and the Exodus

Conquest of Canaan

Lecture Four

Periods and Books of the Hebrew Text History Pt. 2

The United Kingdom

The Divided Kingdom

Babylonian Exile


Lecture Five

The Gospel

The Gospel Writers: Their audience and their message

The Birth of the Messiah

The Ministry and Message of Jesus Christ

The Death and Resurrection of Christ

Lecture Six

The Acts

The Pentecost Experience

The Birth of the Church

The Characters and their message

The Conversion of Paul

The Missionary Journey of Paul

Lecture Seven

The Epistles and Prophecy

The Pauline Writings

The Johannine Writings

Other Writings and the Apocalyptic Writing

Lecture Eight

The Bible Study Series Review

Contact us:

Rev. Lynne Burkhead

Find us: 

492 North Marietta Parkway, Marietta, GA 30060

© 2014 by M. Anita Stewart.

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